Cooks Source magazine commits a copywrong | TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics

There are a few other interesting lessons out of this. First is that, contrary to what some people claim, you don’t have to be a "big name" to make these things work for you. People have a sense of when someone has been genuinely wronged, and they step up. So, Monica was able to get attention for this, despite not being "famous" in the conventional sense. Second, contrary to the claims that the various "online mobs" that hang out in places like Reddit "just want everything for free," various online communities have always shown a willingness to stand up against situations where they feel someone was genuinely wronged. And that should give you an idea of what they really think of various situations where some record label complains about file sharing. It’s a totally different situation, and people react accordingly.

Cooks arrogance in this is breath-taking. Fortunately, a large number of people agree - and have a voice to express their displeasure.